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Endangered species of bird comes into view after 178 yrs

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CHITWAN. A rare and endangered species of bird which was first spotted in Chitwan by a foreigner ornithologist some 178 years ago and was not seen thereafter has come to view yet again.

A team of ornithologists from the Bird Education Society and the Nepalese Ornithologists Union (NOS) recently spotted red-faced Liocichila of Liocichila Phoenicea spices at Chisapani in Dahakhani in the district, according to former President of the Bird Education Society, Chitwan, Basu Bidari.

With the rediscovery of this red-faced liocichla known as “Simrikane Lito Shila’ in Nepali, Chitwan now boasts of being a home to 631 spices of birds, shared former President Bidari.
A total of 878 species of birds are recorded in Nepal, a data says.

The team comprised ornithologists Dr Hem Sagar Baral and NOS Eastern region Coordinator Badri Chaudhary among others.

These organizations, that have been promoting scientific activities on birds and their habitat in the country, lately have discovered the new species of birds as well as rediscovery of endangered ones., 23 May 2016

वि.सं.२०७३ जेठ १० सोमवार १६:१७ मा प्रकाशित

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