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NTB organized  Cleaning campaign in bishnumati premises 

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bishnumati cleaningCleaning campaign on Saturday to involve youths and aware the youths and people of the society for clean city and maintain good health and healthy tourism.

kathmandu .Nepal Tourism Board( NTB) organized  Cleaning campaign on Saturday . This programe was organizing by  associating  with Atlantic Intl college and collaborating with Bishnumati team .


Bishnumati team  has been cleaning Bishnumati premises  from last 155 weeks on every Saturday.

According to Goodwill ambassador  of  NTB Orusha Thapa, this Saturday Cleaning campaign   was organized  balaju bishnumati premises in the morning with a  slogan  “Clean city through youth for better Tourism” .

As environment pollution is major problem that effecting tourism growth, the main  Objective of  it  was to involve youths and aware the youths and people of the society for clean city and maintain good health and healthy tourism.


published Date:03 sep. 2017

वि.सं.२०७४ भदौ १८ आइतवार ११:१४ मा प्रकाशित

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