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UK concerned over impact of border blockade

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“The UK is clear the political situation in Nepal is ultimately for Nepal to resolve. The UK hopes peaceful dialogue and compromise will continue, to find an agreed position that meets the needs of all Nepali citizens,” read the statement issued by the British Embassy in Kathmandu on Wednesday.

Assuring Thapa of the UK’s continued support and friendship for the people of Nepal, Swire urged the government of Nepal to provide the leadership required for the reconstruction process. “With winter approaching, there is a risk of a second humanitarian crisis if the situation is not resolved shortly,” he said.

Swire’s statement on Nepal’s latest crisis has come a few days after Nepal expressed its concern toward the joint statement issued by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and British Prime Minister David Cameron in second week of this month.

Issuing a joint statement following Indian Prime Minister Modi’s two-day visit to London, the two Prime Ministers — Modi and Cameron — had then dwelled on the lasting and inclusive constitutional settlement in Nepal, believing that it would address the remaining areas of concern and promote political stability and economic growth.

On November 15, the foreign ministry of Nepal had said “attention of the government of Nepal has been drawn to the reference to Nepal made in a recent joint statement between the UK and India”.

In the statement Nepal had stated that Nepal strongly viewed that the constitution making is an internal matter of the country and that Nepal is capable of handling its internal affairs on its own.


वि.सं.२०७२ मंसिर १० बिहीवार १२:०३ मा प्रकाशित

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