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Chinese green Development and our learning

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Nepal, as a developing country many opportunity and threats are surrounding. Now we have some difficulties and Threats. When we got earthquake as a big problem many people lost their property, households, family member also. In the facing time of earthquake impact we pressed by the blockade of southern part of Nepal. After this two big problem created by nature and neighbor, political and professional sector started to search and research. Issue is not far. How can we raise against this two enemies. 1st one is rebuilding with reconstruction and reconciliation. Next issue is sustainability in sustainability of essential materials like fuel, gas and petroleum.

Here, I want to raise some issue. Why we Nepalese People became back day by day? Why we became failing to Planning the rebuild process? Why we are in political trouble anytime? Why our some political leadership and government mechanism feel demoralize with southern neighbor? When we can find the result we got prosperity, political stability and economical growth.

China is being the 1st country in world by the prospective of economical development. China is planning to eliminate poverty until 2020. But we are facing fuel crisis. We are in deprived area to get open trade and transportation rights. When we visited China in the opportunity provide by CFPD, we learned many ways for peace and development. By the learning from Chinese model we can rebuild our damaged area with new technology. We can bring prosperity with societal harmony. We can resettle our community. In the base of this damage we can create new structure and idea to be unique. In Sichuan of China, they complete their rebuild and resettle their community in the period of three years.  We can take this model in Nepal to rebuild process. We found their new town planning with well developed are. We can’t imagine, this is reconstructed area after earthquake. They also aware with greenery preservation in this resettle area.

While we found most crowed city Beijing, The greenery development is appreciable. Roadside greenery is a model here. Ultimately greenery preservation is 1st global agreement in world. Every living thing must be depend in greenery. Chinese people are conscious to preserve environment include greenery. They use to plant fruit tree in road side and take benefit from this also. Almond and such kinds of fruits tree are in same size in road edge. They are promoting green breakfast, green lunch and green dinner also. In their food they use 80 percent green vegetables like bamboo, many kinds of herbs and fruits. They are saving food like rice and corn. By this food culture they also are saving health also.

Chinese agriculture model is different. They always use every land to agriculture if possible. No one unit of land can be found dry. Every possible land must be cultivated.  In which land they can’t cultivate crops they plant bamboo. They plant fast growing bamboo and take immediate return by using it in different way. They use little bamboo as vegetable. More bamboo use as chopsticks and more bamboo use in different goods as homemade materials and gift items also. In this way nobody can stay without work and any unit of land won’t be dry.  It’s their motto.

We found tea cultivated area. When we saw the cultivated land that looks like our middle hill areas average land. In these lands anywhere irrigation is available easily. By the availability of technology, equipment and resource agriculture is one of the most prioritized sectors in China.

By this learning, I want to claim that if we won’t follow Chinese model in urban greenery and agriculture we become more back from here. We must follow Chinese model because of our land, atmosphere, and locality. Cause of geographical structure we must follow road and transportation technology. Irrigation technology also appropriate from Chinese model. Thus we can follow the policy, process and practice and get success.

By the opportunity provided by CFPD our team visited china. We found 1st economical growth and development. China is being 1st country in world. As a neighbor it’s our pride and dignity and best wishes to catch it. While we search our history, Nepal and China both have cultural relation. In the base of Culture, religion and faith, both country and their people are close by each other. But, the cause of less priority from the political window it couldn’t take race.  After Nepal’s Prime minister’s visit we can believe our relation must be more energetic. It can get reenergize.  We can trust the 10 points agreement must be milestone to Nepal’s progress also. Being a neighbor we can claim Chinese Support is our choice not compulsion.

वि.सं.२०७३ वैशाख ६ सोमवार १४:४८ मा प्रकाशित

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